Matco 720 WP

Matco 720 WP
Brand name Matco 720 WP
Active Ingredient Metalaxyl 80 g/Kg + Mancozeb 640 g/Kg WP
Crops Diseases Recommended rate
(tbsp/16 L water)
Pineapple Heart rot 10-14 kg/ha Apply at 7 months after planting and repeat application on the 12-14 months
Potato Late blight 8-10 Use Matco 720 WP during period of active growth (5-40 days after seedling emergence) and repeat every 7-14 days
Tomato Late blight 6-10 Apply at 4 sprays maximum during the early part of the growth season (5-40 days after seedling emergence) and repeat every 7-10 days
Orchids Black rot 2.5 Apply as foliar spray during period of high humidity and rain. 3-4 spray application may be required at 7-10 days interval depending on the occurrence of disease symptoms
Asparagus Spear rot 2 kg/ha Apply as foliar spray right after cutback using a spray volume of 600 liters/ha. Repeat after 14 days during period of high humidity
Mode of Action M03 + 4 - multisite contact activity + nucleic acid metabolism
  • Dual action, broad spectrum fungicide - Which controls diseases by its preventive as well as curative action.
  • Resistance Management - This unique combination of two fungicides (Systemic & Contact) is the best tool for preventing and or delaying resistance development in fungal population of oomycetes. Specialty fungicide to control foliar as well as soil borne diseases caused by oomycetes fungi
  • Versatility in Usage - Can be used as seed treatment, foliar spray, nursery drench and in pre harvest sprays to manage post harvest diseases.
  • Prolonged Control - Rapid uptake and trans-location towards growing tips helps to protect the plant from oomycetes diseases for longer period of approximately 14 days.
Pack Sizes 100 g pouch and 25 Kg bag